Otter Class Information
Otters Class – EYFS and KS1
In Otters, the classroom is set up to provide a range of opportunities for different learning needs.
We typically describe the intervention as ‘Getting children ready to learn.’
Through a topic-based approach, the children work on the following:
- Communication through play activities
- Group turn taking activities
- Activities to develop concentration and attention
- Focus talks to build independence.
- IEP tasks
- Expressive and receptive language tasks
- Learning to follow instructions
- Developing social skills
- Early language building skills including phonics
- Early maths skills
Our interventions deliver a carefully structured programme of activities using evidence and researched based approaches. These include:
- Intensive Interaction (delivered with advice and support of a speech and language therapist)
- Attention Autism
- Communication Books
- Makaton Sign
- Identiplay (play based intervention)
- Sensory Circuits
- 1:1 and group Speech and Language Intervention (delivered by Magic Words)
Where possible, children transition back to their mainstream classes for part or all of the day.
A typical day in Otters may include:
On arrival, the children have a range of independent play-based activities to help them transition into the school day.
The children register and take part in ‘good morning’ greetings.
There are a range of educational activities set out for the children to explore.
Children take part in an adult led phonics activity before moving into groups for differentiated phonics work.
The children come together for snack, which is also an opportunity to develop social and life skills.
After break, the children have maths-based activities around early number and counting.
The children have further opportunities for interactive play-based activities to develop their social and language skills.
The children have a story or song before eating lunch.
They eat in a quieter space, as a small group.
After lunch the children have a session in the Soft Play room.
Afternoon activities are based around our 5 key curriculum areas
- Outdoor schooling
- Independence
- Play and Leisure
- The World About Us
- Physical Well-being
Through a topic-based approach, children engage in a range of opportunities to develop their key early learning skills.