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The Redwood Unit - Local Authority based Provision

Local Authority Based Provision

The Redwood Unit: 

Squirrels and Foxes



In the Summer of 2023, we opened a local authority provision at Surrey Street Primary School, for children with complex learning needs.


The unit caters for children with levels well below expected levels

(at least half their chronological age).


This could include children with a diagnosis such as:


SEMH (Social, Emotional and Mental Health) difficulties

Communication and interaction difficulties eg: ASD

Sensory Impairment Difficulties

Cognition and Learning Difficulties

Complex behaviour patterns


All children in the provision must have an EHCP issued by the local authority.


What is an (EHCP) Education, Health and Care plan?

An Education, Health and Care plan is a legal personalised document. It sets out the education, health and social care needs of a child or young person: aged 0 to 25 years old with special educational needs or disabilities.


For further information from Luton Borough Council, click here



The children, in The Redwood Unit, follow a bespoke curriculum based around speech and language needs and a topic-based approach developing:


Outdoor schooling


Play and Leisure

The World About Us

Physical Well-being

