Cutenhoe Learning Park, Cutenhoe Road, Luton, Bedfordshire. LU1 3NJ
telephone: 01582 359390
For all general enquiries please speak with Miss Royle or Miss Bennet-Corrigan, our reception staff on: 01582 359390 or email: surreystreetprimary.net
For any class-based queries, please contact your child’s class teacher via the ClassDojo app.
Headteacher / DSL
Mrs S Jackson
SENDCOs: Mrs G Blackwell and Mrs D Ben Khedher
Governor with responsibility for SEND – Anita Jones
Email: sendteam@surreystreetprimary.com
Tel: 01582 359412
Local Authority:
Luton Borough Council, Town Hall, George Street, Luton, Bedfordshire. LU1 2BQ
Tel: 01582 548000