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Primary School and Nursery

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Year 5

Ruby Class

Our teacher is Mr Iszchak


Carmine Class

Our teacher is Miss Bethell


Our teaching assistants are Mrs Mangion and Mrs Khan


Here’s what we’ll be covering over this term in Year 5:



In English this term, the children will learn about and write a variety of texts such as:  quest stories, Greek myths, newspaper reports and performance poetry



In maths, the children will be learning about number and place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.


There will still be a large focus on learning our times tables and children are expected to access twenty-one minutes of TTRockstars at home



Topics that we will be covering across the half-term


Computing – online safety

History – Ancient Greeks

RE – communications with God

Art – sculptures

Science – Earth and Space




We have PE every Tuesday and Friday


What we are learning in PE – netball and indoor athletics


Please ensure your child has appropriate clothing; this can be in the form of plain black tracksuit bottoms or plain black shorts and a plain white or red t-shirt. If children wear all-black trainers with no other colours on as their school shoes, these can also be worn for PE


No jewellery is to be worn on PE days.




Every child is expected to complete their three-weekly reads, access TT Rockstars and practice their spellings.


Children need to read at home at least 3 times per week and log this on Boom Reader. Children who do not complete and log their three weekly reads on BoomReader will catch up on their reading during Friday breaktime.


Children need to learn their spellings each week.



Dates for your diary


Share a Book – 16th September, 30th September, 7th October, 14th October


Celebration assemblies – 23rd September, 21st October


Please look at Dojo every day for all the exciting activities and events that are being planned for your children, or in case anything changes


Planned Trips


We have two workshops this half-term.


One is called Story Builders and relates to English. The other is called Action In The Environment and relates to Eco-Schools and Science.


We are investigating one more trip also relating to Science.
