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Primary School and Nursery

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Year 4

Rouge Class

Our teachers is Mrs Khan


Burgundy Class

Our teachers is Mrs Burrell


Our teaching assistants are Mrs Levy, Mrs Shah, Mrs Begum and Mr Ali

Our Wellbeing Support Member is Mrs Franks


Here’s what we’ll be covering this term in Year 4:




In English we will be reading the story ‘The Magnificent Thing’ We will be writing character descriptions and then our own version of the story.


We will then we writing explanation texts explaining life cycles of a butterfly.


Our class stories will be ‘Charlie is a Chicken’




In maths we will be exploring fractions after this we will then be looking at telling the time in five-minute intervals.


The focus remains high for our times table practice and we will continue to daily practice on TTRS


Topics that we will be covering across the half-term



History – Ancient Egyptians

Computing – Effective Searching

Science – Electricity

DT – Circuits making a light up box.

PSHE – Celebrating Differences

RE – Faith





We have PE every Monday and Thursday


We will be learning to play football and dance.


PE for both classes will take place on a Monday and Thursday. Please make sure your child brings in their PE kit and keeps it in school. Information on the correct kit can be found on the school website.


Swimming - 11th November - 28th December


Children’s swimming lessons take place at the swimming pool in school

every day.


Your child will need the following:


Boys – Swimming shorts, above the knee, no combat or long shorts allowed.


Girls – one-piece swimming costume, no bikinis allowed.


No jewellery is to be worn on PE days.




Every child is expected to complete their three-weekly reads, access TT Rockstars and practice their spellings.



Children need to read at home at least 3 times per week and log this on Boom Reader.



Children need to learn their spellings each week.


Maths homework is set on Fridays and this is due in the following Wednesday.


Planned Trips


11th February 2025  -  Young Voices


Dates for your diary


Please look at Dojo every day for all the exciting activities and events that are being planned for your children.


Thursday 5th December  - Year 4 Egyptian Day

