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Surrey Street

Primary School and Nursery

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Year 1

Year 1 

Ladybird Class

Our teacher is Ms Morrell


Robin Class

Our teacher is Miss Powell


Our teaching assistants are Mrs Bridgestock, Mrs Cann, Miss Uddin and Miss Farmer

Our Wellbeing Support Member is Mr Jolley


Here's what we'll be covering this term in Year 1:



In English this term, the children will be learning the following texts The Tiger who came to tea,  Poetry about our senses, The Train Ride, Not Now Bernard and How to trap a monster






In Math this term, the children will be learning about number and place value within 10, addition, subtraction within 10, geometry focusing on shape and time.


Topics that we will be covering across the half-term




HistoryWho am I?  Toys


GeographyWhere do I live?  About school and local area


ComputingOnline Safety and Coding


ScienceSeasonal changes – Autumn / Materials


DTFruit Kebabs


PSHEBeing in my world / Celebrating differences


REGod and Faith / Humanity ways of knowing







We have PE every Tuesday and Thursday


PE days are Tuesday and Thursday and it is essential that all the children have their PE kit in school.


Please ensure your child has appropriate clothing; this can be in the form of plain black tracksuit bottoms or plain black shorts and a plain white or red t-shirt. If you are unsure about correct clothing please check the school uniform information that has been sent out.


No jewellery is to be worn on PE days.


Planned Trips



Local area walk 3rd October


Leighton Buzzard Railway trip 9th October




Reading with your child at home - at least three times a week and for this to be recorded onto the BOOM reading app.


Purple Mash activities to be completed at home when set(Friday)

and then submitted for marking. Dojo messages will inform you

when work has been set.




Numbots – 60 minutes across the week



You will be informed of work set through a message on Class Dojo, so please keep checking for any information.


Dates for your diary


Please look at Dojo every day for all the exciting activities and upcoming events that are being planned for your children across the term




All children need to bring their book bag to school every day, so that we can also read with them when the opportunity arises.

