Year 1
Ladybird Class
Our teacher is Ms Morrell
Robin Class
Our teacher is Miss Powell
Our teaching assistants are Mrs Cann, Miss Uddin and Miss Farmer
Our Wellbeing Support Member is Mr Jolley
Here's what we'll be covering this term in Year 1:
English | ||
In English the children will be learning a meeting someone story called Not now Bernard and writing a set of instructions.
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Maths | ||
In Maths, the children will be learning about addition and subtraction, geometry – shape, measures – time
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Topics that we will be covering across the half-term | ||
Art – Portraits History – Toys, old and new Geography – Where do I live? About school and local area Computing – Coding Science – Materials and their properties PSHE – Celebrating differences RE – Humanity, ways of knowing
PE | |
We have PE every Tuesday and Thursday
In PE, the children will be learning to Dance (fireworks) and play bench ball
Please ensure your child has appropriate clothing; this can be in the form of plain black tracksuit bottoms or plain black shorts and a plain white or red t-shirt. If you are unsure about correct clothing please check the school uniform information that has been sent out. No jewellery is to be worn on PE days.
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Planned Trips | |
Toy workshop – 4th December
Homework | |
Every child is expected to access Numbots for 60 minutes each week, read at home at least 3 times per week and log this on Boom Reader. They also need to learn their spellings each week. These can be bought into school or a photo of the work sent through class dojo. You will be informed through class dojo about any homework set as a 2Do on Purple Mash. This will have a completion date and the work will need to be saved, so that it can be marked and dojos awarded.
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Dates for your diary | |
Carol Service - 17th December from 2.30pm
Christmas Fete - 4th December from 3.40pm
Christmas Jumper Day & School Christmas Lunch - 11th December | |
Other |
It is vitally important that you support your child with their education at home, which will help them to succeed.
All children should have their reading books in their book bags every day, so that we can read with them when the opportunity arises. |