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Year 2

Apple Class

Our teacher is Mrs Khalid


Cherry Class

Our teacher is Mrs Amin


Strawberry Class

Our teacher is Miss Powell


Our teaching assistants are Mrs Cann, Mrs Qandill, Miss Young, Miss Fiaz, Mrs Sibinska and Mrs Blake


Here’s what we’ll be covering over Summer term in Year 2:




In English this term, the children will learn about and write a variety of texts such as stories, diary entries and non-chronological reports.





In maths, the children will be learning about number and place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.


Topics that we will be covering across the half-term


In the foundation subjects we will be learning about:


Geography – Life in the city

History – Great Fire of London

DT - Sewing

PSHE – Relationships

RE – What can we learn from sacred books and stories?

PE – Athletics and multi-skills




We have PE on the following days:


Apple – Monday and Thursday

Cherry - Monday and Tuesday

Strawberry – Tuesday and Thursday


Children will need trainers for all PE lessons. Please ensure your child has appropriate clothing; this can be in the form of plain black tracksuit bottoms with elasticated legs, plain black or red shorts and a plain white or red t-shirt.


No jewellery is to be worn on PE days.


Homework options

The table below shows a list of topics that we will be covering in Year 2 this half term and the dates that we will be doing each topic.


Each week, you can choose one objective to complete with your child at home.




Learning log options to be completed at home

Life in the city – Geography topic

(1 week)



Week beginning 15th April


Create a map of your local area.




Write what you have learnt in the geography unit.


The Great Fire of London – History topic (2 weeks)


Week beginning 22nd April – week beginning 29th April


Draw and label what you have learnt about the Great Fire of London.




Create a fact file based on the Great Fire of London.


Sewing – DT topic

(2 weeks)


Week beginning 6th May – week beginning 13th May


Sew something at home.




Write what you have learnt about sewing and weaving.


What can we learn from sacred books and stories? – RE topic (1 week)


Week beginning 20th May

Draw and label things/people that are special to you and why.




Write what you have learnt about sacred books and stories.


To share what your child has done at home, you can send a message/photo on Class Dojo or upload a photo onto your child’s Class Dojo profile.

Your child does not need to bring any of the work with them to school.


Please also encourage your child to read regularly at home, practice their number bonds using the Numbots website and practice their spellings.


Below is a list of the spellings we will be focusing on this half term.


Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6














Recap all words


Recap all words


Recap all words


Here are some examples of how your child can practice their spelling words:



Test Dates for 2024

May 2024


Key Stage 1 SATs test period

Monday 10th June 2024

Phonics Screening check week



