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Primary School and Nursery

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Nursery  -  Butterfly Class

Our teacher is Mrs Allen.  


Our teaching assistants are  Miss Thompson and Mrs Singh


Our nursery offers a fantastic start to your child’s education. We want our children to become independent, confident, self-motivated and enthusiastic learners. Children are able to achieve their full potential, within a secure, caring and happy environment.


Here's what we'll be covering over Autumn term in Nursery:




In English we will be learning to join in with nursery rhymes and action songs

e.g Incy Wincy Spider.



We will be reading Glad Monster, Sad Monster and Walking Through the Jungle, When Goldilocks Went to the House of the Bears and Room for a Little One.




In maths we will be learning about time – our day, timetable, calendar, also we will be focussing on colours, matching and sorting.


We will also be making comparisons between objects relating to size-weight, height, length and the capacity.


We will also be extending and creating ABAB patterns.


Topics that we will be covering across this half-term



We will be exploring our environment and learning about different festivals and special days including St. Andrews Day, Road Safety Week.




We will also be learning about religious festivals including Diwali, Hanukkah and Christmas.




We have our outdoor learning sessions on Muddy Mondays and children will need to dress appropriately for the weather (sun hats and sun cream: once the weather gets warmer) and bring their welly boots.


Our P.E day is Wednesday


We will be learning different ways of moving in P.E and exploring our outdoor equipment on the playground including the bikes and scooters.


Dates for your diary


Please look at Dojo every day for all the exciting activities and events that are being planned for your children.





Don’t forget to keep an eye on Dojo!

